Parkway Elementary School
Welcome to Parkway Elementary School
Greetings Parkway Students and Families,
Welcome! This fall, we look forward to embracing the students and their families as we partner for a wonderful year of learning. Our staff is continually looking for new and creative ways to engage our students and to get them excited about learning. We have high expectations for all our students and, in order to ensure success, this year will be a joint effort between the students, teachers, administrators and families. As the new school year begins, let’s work together to create an inclusive atmosphere that will provide each student with the positive support and instruction that they will need to have a successful school year. We want students to enjoy coming to school on a daily basis. We will do this by creating a school environment that is filled with rich experiences, engaging activities and positive relationships with both their peers and Parkway staff members. We are passionate about our commitment to our students’ academic, social, and emotional well-being. We look forward to seeing everyone soon.
Dr. Haydée Smith & Mr. Ryan Kroeger